What a disturbing workplace... @Lehman Senpai
2024-02-18 06:02:24
1st photo: Senior? \"It\'s right around the corner.\"
2nd photo: He was motivated and brought something disturbing.
3rd photo: Senpai: “Hey, what’s going on?”
4th photo: Senior: “How is the progress?”
5th photo: Senpai: “Should I press this switch?”
6th photo: An ordinary commuting scene. Everyday life in Tokyo lol.
・7-11: Indefensibly girl version
7th photo: It looks like it has high killing ability and is suitable for indoor combat and CQB.
8th photo: I was planning to go to lunch, but apparently I was being pushed, so I grabbed a submachine gun (PDW? Looks like a nasty bullet).
9th photo: Looks like a female detective (headquarters/TMPD boss). The mob in the background is also interesting.
10th photo: Senpai: “Let’s go” Looks like a crime scene detective
11th photo: It was simply cute...
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