Sith Killer @Jedi Knight/Senior/Lightsaber
2024-03-04 21:07:45
I feel like generating it at least once every two days.
1st and 2nd photos: “I found it.”
Absolutely, absolutely! Man who kills Sith (Dark Jedi).
3rd photo: Since he\'s an expert at Juyo and Dojem Seo, he\'s also good at Sores. Blasters are pointless.
4th photo: duel with Obi-wan due to conflict.
\"Stop it, Obi-Wan Kenobi!\" He doesn\'t pull out his sheath-shaped saber.
5th photo: \"That\'s amazing... But you can\'t beat me. Get back! Back off!\"
\"Remember, he is my prey. It would be presumptuous of you to challenge Sidious when you can\'t beat me.\"
6th photo: \"I got it!\" During the battle, he spots the Dark Emperor and attacks him.
7th photo: “Kill Teme!”
8th photo: \"Are you like this? What\'s your saver?\"
9th photo: “There is a gap, Ariari.”
In the end, I couldn\'t kill it...
Ten years later...
10th photo: “Yo, remember?”
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