There are no LED lights installed in the hallways of the ambassador\'s private residence or the home\'s home (London, home).
When it gets dark, place candles in candlesticks in aisles and hallways and light them. I look around and change and light candles until the morning sun shines through.
The Ranassis family (Avelin) and the Arruda family (Florian), which have produced many politicians, soldiers, bureaucrats (mainly diplomats), lawyers, and clergymen, have a reputation for being wise and advanced, but the main family remains old-fashioned. The parties involved have no doubts.
By the way, the people who serve.
Claretta is from an aristocratic family herself, so even though she is a maid, she only has to take care of Aveline and Florence, talk to them, and manage the study and library, so she doesn\'t have to do any hard work. Gardens and greenhouses are just personal interests.
First of all, she\'s also a student, so she doesn\'t have to worry about the house all day long.
However, sometimes I receive a candlestick number. on Friday or Saturday.
Although the two of us take turns, we walk through the hallways of the mansion all night looking at the candlelight.
Rather than complaining about how much it costs, let\'s turn on the lights willingly.