Kanon Kingdom, Princess Risa
2025-01-01 14:16:01
The beginning of the Heroic War was a surprise attack on Kanon by Marmo. The Kanon Kingdom, which could never be called a Shangmu country, had its royal castle Shining Hill destroyed in the blink of an eye, and the entire royal family was wiped out.
However, the third prince Leonor was still alive. He was excellent with the sword, and at a young age was able to overwhelm the captain of the Royal Guards (Siris\'s father).
Because of this, he ran away, fearing that it would cause a conflict over the succession to the throne, and escaped trouble by wandering around the country under a false name.
The other person was the second princess Risa. She became interested in swordsmanship and practiced and trained with her older brother Leonor.
Even his older brother Leonor was surprised by his skill. Eventually, when Leonar disappeared, she too left the capital due to the emptiness of having no one to deal with.
Great swords, long swords, dual swords, small swords, he can do it all.
As Kanno\'s resistance army/liberation army, they begin their activities before Leonar, and although the troops they lead are small, they always repel the enemy with their bravery.
More than once, he came into contact with Ashram, a black-clad knight with Soul Crush who went out to subjugate them, and each time he was defeated and defeated.
Then, he joins his older brother Leonor who has risen up.
*SW fighter skills (alive only)
11: Cashew, Leonor, Risa
9-8: Ashram, Paan,
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